Church of God – Concepcion

Church Of God – Concepcion is a satellite church recently founded by Church Of God – Dau, under the leadership of Bro. Eliezer Rivera together with the support of his core leaders.

The idea of building this church is conceived from an established existing care group at Bea’s Peanut Butter headed by the company owners, Sis. Bona Briones and Bro. Lawrence Briones, that caters bible study to its employees and immediate relatives that live within the area of Capas, Tarlac.

Since, Capas is an hour drive away from COG Dau, members have difficulties in attending every Sunday. Other members are also struggling in bringing their whole family, even if they wish to.

Concepcion is a nearby area that has been sought after for its great potential in growing; and one of the places in Tarlac without a Church Of God branch. Holding the celebration at Jollibee Concepcion was not in the initial plan, but when the prospect land to be rented wasn’t in favor of joyful and loud celebration, the team started to search for an alternative location.

Since the Lord blessed the small fellowship, it has now grown into a start-up church with 50 active members. Celebrations are held on Saturdays, 6-8 pm.

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2017-03-01T09:17:55+00:00 May 1st, 2016|Outreach News|