Church of God at the Park Inn by Radisson Hotel

park-inn-hotel-bridgeway-to-sm-city-lanang-davaoOn August 2, 9:00am, a new COG church will be opened at Park Inn by Radisson Hotel. This plan was birthed while Dr. Anthony Velasco, Bishop Elvis Viernes, and Bishop Marlou Camino was having a cup of coffee last June 15. With the vision and desire to establish a 21st century church in the city, they proceeded with the initiative.

This new church will be lead and pastored by Bishop Elvis Viernes together with LIFE Ambassador graduates Ptr. Vandolf Zarasate and Ptr. Raul Ceballos Jr. Park Inn is considered a very strategic location for a church as it is located and connected to SM Lanang Premiere where transportation and access is very convenient. The team sees that that the church will be able to reach out to employees and university students. The worship services will be held at the Durian & Mangosteen Function Rooms, which can hold a maximum of 100 people.

Church of God at the Park Inn will be lead by this team:

Bishop Elvis Viernes
Bishop Elvis ViernesSenior Pastor
Ptr. Vandolf Zarasate
Ptr. Vandolf ZarasateAssistant Pastor
Ptr. Raul Ceballos Jr.
Ptr. Raul Ceballos Jr.Pastoral Staff and Relationship Department Head
Sis. Ginalyn Yaeso
Sis. Ginalyn YaesoWorship Department Head
Sis. Tatjana Pia Catalon
Sis. Tatjana Pia CatalonOutreach Department Head
Sis. Rosario Lape
Sis. Rosario LapeDiscipleship Department Head
Sis. Arlene Limot
Sis. Arlene LimotAdministration Department Head

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2017-03-01T09:17:56+00:00 July 31st, 2015|Outreach News|