Here at Church of God, we have come up with the acronym WORDA. It is the structure of the church that helps maintain its proper functions. It stands for Worship, Outreach, Relationship, Discipleship, and Administration. These are the five departments of the Church of God that work collaboratively to reach lost souls and to bring glory to the Lord of lords. This kind of operational structure first started at COG-Dasmariñas and now, several COG churchses in the Philippines have adapated the same structure as well.
To usher the congregation into the awesome presence of God in every service.
M – mastery of skills through seminars
U – unleashing of God-given gifts
S – submission to the Holy Spirit in prayer
I – immaculate living
C – commitment to the Word of the Lord
To mobilize the church in spreading the Gospel of Christ.
S – seek the lost souls through house-to-house evangelization
A – acquire the wisdom of God through seminars and prayers
V – voice out the goodness of God through crusade
E – encourage every Christian to fulfill the Great Commission
To make people feel that we are one family in this church.
C – convey the love of God through church gatherings and care groups’ activities
A – associate with the new believers
R – revitalize those who are weak and in trouble through visitation
E – establish strong bonding within the church that is centered in Christ, and motivate each other to be involved in the ministry
To engrave the mind of Christ in each believer’s heart and be able to practice authentic Christian living.
G – guide the people to a sound doctrine through the Bible
R – radiate the teaching of Christ by becoming a worker of the church
O – optimize the capacity of every Christian by molding him through church modules
W – work out to maintain the acquired knowledge through enrichment programs
To support the W.O.R.D departments in their ministerial activities.
A – assisting the ministerial activities of each department through funds, Sunday Word, quality sound system, and multimedia support and proper documentation
I – inventory of all church equipment
D – development of skills among full time workers for proper maintenance of all church facilities
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