National Ladies’ Ministry 2017-03-01T09:17:48+00:00

Ladies ministry consists of Godly ladies of all ages, whether married or single moms who are willing to connect, grow, help and serve GOD together to make a difference in the home, community, church, and country.


We envision 1,000 women of God with passion, commitment, and dedication to create a significant impact to the church and country.


Connect, Help, Grow, Serve & Make a difference in the family, church, community, and country.

Seven Principles of Proverbs 31 Ladies

Pursue a strong personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST through constant devotion;

Love, honor , encourage & support the leadership of husband in the family;

Shape & mold the next generation by setting an example in words & in deeds;

Speak with wisdom & faithful instruction and clothe with strength & dignity;

Faithful steward of the time & money God had entrusted to her;

Help Create a warm loving environment in the family, church, and community; &

Share the Love of GOD by extending arms to those in need.

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