An Awakening Intimacy

This is the year I learned to worship. The true, unashamed and undignified worship. And my life was never the same.

It was a transformation; the results were boundless peace, joy, and hope. It was a privilege I never knew I had; one thing for sure that moved me closer to God. I’m sharing what I learned about worshipping a God who exchanges our weaknesses for His strength, our brokenness for our wholeness.


2 Corinthians 3: 18

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being TRANSFORMED into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.



I was astounded with the impact of worship in my life, one encounter and it changes you. I realized it wasn’t a one-time thing, nor just an experience. It was a movement, an invitation, a call into a deeper, higher way of living with and for God.

I never thought that it would be this personal, this close to the Father. Turns out, worship is transformational. It sends us out different than we came in. Here are some life changing keys that worship brought into my life:


  1. Peace. When my heart was continually focused on who God is and His promises and praising Him for that, I didn’t have space to worry about the unknown. That in time of testing, there is an unexplainable peace in worshipping God. As Colossians 3:15 says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.

And be thankful.”

  1. Joy. “How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.” (Psalm 84:1-2). When I reminded myself over and over again, that His grace abounds, that I am saved and made free, I could remain joyful in times of sorrow and pain, even when the world felt like it was collapsing around me. Hope. When I couldn’t see the roadmap and couldn’t be sensitive with His leading, I sang out to Him. I reminded myself of His faithfulness in the past, all the times that He has carried me, blessed me, and moved my life forward—even when I was less than deserving. I was encouraged much like when God spoke, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

“An encounter with God marks you and it leaves you wanting more of Him.”

Can Worship really change your life? It does more than that. Worship taught me that it gives you an awakening intimacy, a reviving identity, and a transformed life.

In discovering worship, Jesus asked me, “Gianne, you’ve got big vision and the ambition. But as I listen to all the things you’re planning to do, I wonder, “Gianne, if all you ever did was love me (Jesus), would that be enough?” It brought peace, joy, and hope back into my life and that in my walk with Christ, worshipping Him is enough. That above all things, it’s about a sincere and genuine intimacy with God where the glory is His and the joy is ours. And that’s where transformation begins.


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2017-10-06T12:27:35+00:00 October 6th, 2017|HeART of Worship|

About the Author:

At 26 years old, Gianne Dilay serves under the worship department of COG Marriott-Manila as one of its branding specialists. She used to work in the field of business development & marketing. Life sounds good for Gianne, but God never settles for good. Encountering Jesus was a breakthrough for this young woman who is now His full time servant. Redeemed, restored and redirected, Gianne inspires others by choosing a radical career that has an unselfish goal – glorify God and make His name known.