What We Fail To Seek

“God is able to take the MESS of our past and turn it into a MESSage. He takes the trials and TESTs, and turn them into a TESTimony.” – Christine Caine

My life changed the moment I accepted Jesus Christ and allowed Him to enter into my life as my Lord and Savior. I offered my all to Him and even got the privilege to serve Him as a Dance Minister. I have always been faithful, but my faith in God was also put into a test.

I took up a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education major in General Education in college. After graduating, I started preparing for the Licensure Examination and worked in a Tutorial Center as a tutor. I took on the job only because I could work for a lesser time and have more time to review for the examination. I didn’t enroll in a review center anymore as advised by my friends and colleagues. Even then, the examination really mattered to me for it will fulfill my dream and my family’s dream for me.

When the results finally came, I was really so nervous while scrolling down the names listed. I scrolled up and down, searched my name for how many times, but I didn’t see it. When your name is not on the list, it could only mean one thing: you failed. I failed.

Is this true Lord? What will I say to my parents? I’m serving You, right? So, why did I fail? Why??? These questions started to flood my thoughts. Soon enough, I noticed that I acted coldly to God. I was so frustrated; I started sulking out of my disappointment with Him. I continued serving Him, but not as intimate as before.

Then one day, I heard a song randomly. I used to sing it before, but at that moment, the lyrics of the song made so much sense to me.

The rain may fall,
The thunder roar,
Yet I believe, I believe
What people may say,
Whatever comes my way,
I will believe, I believe
“I Believe”- Planetshakers

The song reminded me of the day I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. How I surrendered everything, believing and trusting His plans no matter what happens. That night, I prayed and prayed and asked Him, “What will I do Lord?” Around 3 in the morning, I woke up with a Bible verse sank into my mind:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

I read it and read it until I found myself crying. This is His answer to my prayer. Seek Him first wholeheartedly, no hidden agendas or purposes. Just seek Him first. In that moment, I repented and asked His forgiveness. I asked Him to give me a heart that will serve Him genuinely, without expecting anything in return. His voice was really clear to me that day, “My child, serve Me without any motives.” From then on, I served God genuinely and wholeheartedly, without any hidden agenda. I was given a heart of worship, and sank deeper into His Word and loved Him even more.

One day, my parents told me to take the exam again. At first, I didn’t want to take it out of fear of failure, but then I remembered that God is bigger than my fears and that nothing is impossible to Him. So I tried again, but this time, even before the results came, I already declared the victory of God in my life. Two months passed, I received a text message from my churchmate saying, “Congrats Chely. Pasado ka sa LET!” A shout of joy rumbled in our house as we praised God for what He has done. Truly, if it’s God’s will, He will make it happen according to His plan and His perfect time.

Through this experience, I learned that the life of a Christian is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes God will test you if you will remain faithful to Him. That Mess and Test in my life clearly revealed who God is, and how He will use them for His glory. My Mess became His MESSage that He can fix everything and my Test is my TESTimony of how powerful God is.


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2019-02-01T20:46:08+00:00 February 1st, 2019|HeART of Worship|

About the Author:

Chely Calamba is a wonderful teacher from Navotas. She serves as a Discipleship Teacher and Dancer at the new COG Fisher Mall in Letre, Malabon. Young as she is, she aims to create an impact by simply remaining faithful to God and his ministry.