“Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.” -Anonymous
Seven hundred men from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao gathered for the 1st Men’s National Leaders’ Summit with the theme, “Extraordinary Men.” The three-day event was held at CCT Retreat and Training Center, Tagaytay & COG-DasmariƱas from April 21 to 23, 2016.
A lighting of the torch signaled the opening of the event, which was headed by National Overseer, Dr Anthony Velasco, National Men’s Director, Bro. Oyeth Miranda, and all the regional overseers. On the first night of the event, Bishop Jonel Milan spoke about how to reach out, usher, and nurture the men of God with the topic, “Mentoring Men.”
The second day was focused on teaching the participants on how to prepare and set up their own event in their own region. Later, the leaders were given the time to apply what they’ve learned by coming up with actual event plans; from conceptualization to logistics and budgeting. That night, they also had a session with Bishop Norberto PiƱera through his talk entitled, “Creating an Atmosphere of Change.”
On the last day of the event, Dr. Anthony Velasco led the final session with his topic, “Nurturing” at COG-DasmariƱas.
The men of COG Philippines brought home every memory and teaching they experienced throughout the summit. Truly, they have crossed the line from being ordinary men to becoming extraordinary men of God.
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